March 4, 2011

Update on the Demon.

Attention:  The second half of this blog entry is my opinion on the results from American Idol.. if you haven't watched yet (or don't give a rats ass).. stop reading after the update on the Demon!

We went to see Dr. F. last Thursday.  The plan is... as soon as possible he will go in for an MRI Enterography.  He's never had one of these procedures performed on him.  It is taking images of the small bowel.  He will have to drink something (hopefully, not disgusting) and that liquid will help illuminate the portion of the bowel the doctor needs to see.  Next, the Demon has to have an upper endoscopy.  They are going to do this as a capsule endoscopy.  Again, this is a new one for him!  Everything is done under general anesthesia so he should be comfortable.  As it stands, he will not have to have a lower scope.  Which, of course, made the Demon very happy.  Finally, the plan is to have him completely off of the steroids, again, before May.

All in all, it was a successful appointment.  While we were there the nurse filling in for Dr. F's regular nurse just happened to be the nurse that Dr. F had when the Demon first went to see him, 2 years ago.  Nurse Ann was shocked to see how healthy the Demon looked.  She could not get over how amazingly different he looked from the 55 lb, pale, dark circles under the eyes.. little boy that first walked into the clinic.  She repeatedly said "You made my day!  I'm so glad I was in this clinic this morning."  It really made him feel great.

It was a pretty quick appointment.  He kept begging and begging to not have to go back to school.  As we were leaving, Nurse Ann asked what we were doing for the rest of our day.  I responded "He's trying to get out of going back to school!"  She looked at him and winked and said "I agree, he has all the time in the world to go to school... take this day off and celebrate his health."

So we did.

Now... on to American Idol! (your cue to exit if you don't want to know)

Here are the top 10:

Scotty McCreery- Uggghhh I knew the country fans would push him through.
Jacob Lusk- LOVE it!
Casey Abrams- Again... LOVEEEE!
Paul McDonald- I enjoyed his performance so I'm okay with this one.
James Durbin- Yaaaay for the Demon... his choice made it.
Pia Toscano- I'm glad she made it!
Lauren Alaina- I called this one too! 
Karen Rodriguez- Eh, I think I was in the minority on her.. I wasn't impressed.
Thia Megia- I didn't call this one, but I'm happy she made it after seeing her tear up.
Haley Reinhart- Again, didn't call this one - she was not impressive (to me).

BUT.. wtf!?  I will assume America never forgave Clint for his involvement in kicking young JC out of the group (along with Jordan) during auditions.  I thought Clint was really good on Tuesday night.  And my cutie, Stefano Lagone was also passed up by America!!!?

After America's results were revealed the judges chose to listen to 6 more songs (3 guys/3 girls).  Thankfully, Stefano KILLED it again..and he was the only guy chosen as a wild card.  My girl Ashton Jones was also picked as a wild card along with another favorite of the Demon.. Naima Adedapo.  But really?  7 girls and 6 guys?  Could I have been wrong?  Maybe I was the only one that was disappointed with the girls? 

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