March 3, 2011


First... I was so unimpressed with the ladies of American Idol last night that I'm not going to devote much time to them today.  I hope Ashton and Julie stay..they have been my favorites, but were less than stellar.  I thought Kendra was okay.  Another stand out was Rachel singing Criminal by Fiona Apple..however, it stood out for being awful!  Lauren - the youngin' was great.  I do hope she sticks around.  Pia ended the show nicely, even received a standing ovation.  My opinion?  Still, nothing that gave me chills.  Other than those few stand outs (for whatever reason) I was bored.

Now... on to my bed!

How is it that the Demon has already taken over my bed?  I mean, I don't mind him laying there..but his crap needs to go!  The little black object under the window to the right, is my moms old mini fridge.  Should I keep that in there?  My brother seems to think I should stock it with water and alcohol.  LOL  I don't know just yet.

In this second picture, I removed the laundry basket (and in it's place right now is a Tupperware container with drawers..hey! I needed a place for my cell and I don't have any night stands yet) but between pictures, Spike managed to slip his devil self into the picture! While I'm not in the room, the door stays closed.  I don't want my bed to be overtaken with cat hair.

Last night, Truck was so much better!  I only had to yell at him once.  I'm expecting hoping that each night gets better and he learns that it's bedtime when the Demon goes to bed.  He's not the brightest of dogs so I may be hoping for too much.

Yesterday was a much better day for me... mood-wise.  The conversations with my friend have started back up again and even though, yet again, I did not dance. (and instead took a nap), I went to bed a much happier Casey than the night before.  I smiled yesterday, a lot.  For that, I am thankful.

The Demon has a GI appointment this morning... will update the plans for the future tomorrow.


  1. I am jealous that you have a new bed and that your bedroom is so clean. I'd die of embarassment if I had to take a pic of my room lol.

  2. oh no! That picture was strategically taken so that none of the rest of the room showed. lol I'm still working on clearing out my moms things, and moving mine in. One day I will post many shots from around the room.

  3. Ditto what Kimberly room is embarrassing for ME to see, much less for anyone else.

    I am happy for you!

  4. lol Maybe I will post random pictures throughout the will definitely make you chicas feel better!
