March 16, 2011

Time for the Demon to get with the program.

Dear Demon,

I know I am a pushover when it comes to certain things.  I know if I say  that I am not going to get your gym shoes... I probably will.  I will most likely always give in when I threaten to not take you to Kings Island or an outing to the movies.  I have given in when it comes to skipping afternoon classes to enjoy the fact that you are healthy.  I have always spoiled you.  So...maybe this is all my fault.

However...when you bring an interim report home from school and, in three classes, you have D's - we have a problem.  A big problem.  You will not play the Wii.  You will not turn on your computer.  You will not have use of your cell phone.  If I need to?  I will also eliminate television.  You will come home, do your homework, have dinner, study and go to bed.  Do we really have to take it that far?  This punishment will continue until your next report card.  If there is no improvement..a significant improvement..the punishment will continue.

You have to understand that it's your fault that you have these grades.  I can't remember the last time I saw you crack a book to study.  The attitude you've shown me the last few days.. ends.  It's not my fault that your grades are in the toilet.  It's yours.  If you're going to be angry toward anyone?  Be angry with yourself.

I love you.  I know you are capable of more.  I know you can and will improve.  You have to improve.  Next year you will be in junior high.  Next year is a new beginning and you must end this year on a high note.  

You will end this year on a high note.  You're capable of achieving everything you want in life.

Love,  M

(Today is the day we meet with the surgeons.  I hope to have a surgery date to report tomorrow!)


  1. I love this. If there was a book on parenting, this should be in it as the way to talk to your children about bad grades.

  2. I am with you on this on. My DS came home with not so great grades also. He has no one to blame but himself. (he forgets to turn in homework - exp. yesterday he had an extension on a 150 pt. assignment & it was to be turned in by 2nd period. He stopped to talk to a friend in the hall & missed turning it in.)
