March 15, 2011

What makes a friend a friend...

...on Facebook?

When I first joined up I promised myself I would only add those people that I have met in real life.  

Since then, I've "met" so many supportive, wonderful people via the internet.  Whether it be through Facebook or a certain Moms site.  I quickly started to add more people.  But still, only those that I completely trusted to let into my life.  

Throughout everything, though, I have made it a constant rule that I will only keep those around that actually participate on my Facebook.  Whether it be comments on my pictures, random wall postings, replies to a status update.. even an occasional "Like" would probably keep a "friend" on my page.  Recently... I have seen a few people, that I once considered close (even though we may not have yet met in real life) "disappear" from my wall and comments.  

I still feel like we're friends.. but why keep a person like that on my list of friends on Facebook?   Maybe we're really not as close as I once thought?   Isnt' the point of Facebook to communicate?  Interact with each other?  I can still communicate with them through other sites.  I could still communicate with a few through texts or phone conversations.  So.. do I stick to the rule that was once a hard and fast rule.. or do I bend it for a few people?  What if I don't know if I totally trust those people anymore?  Do I go with my gut?  Even if those people, have been very supportive in the past?  People do gradually grow apart as friends... maybe that is what is happening.

Do people get offended when defriended?  Normally, if I have been defriended I could not have cared less.  A few times I haven't even known who it was once I may have noticed my number go down.  There has been only one time when I was surprised and I questioned the person.  It was an accident on one of our parts?  I still don't know if I may have accidentally deleted her.. but we're back as friends :).   Other than that, eh.. who cares?

I guess I have some decisions to make... soon.


  1. I do too, but I don't like it. :(

  2. Seriously..if you feel they need to be off of your page, then do it. That is the great thing about FB. It is YOUR fb page. You can do what you want. I say if you are having gut feelings about something, then go with your gut.

  3. You have to do what's best for you & your well being.
