March 10, 2011

Reality screwed me again!!


I was going to post a full on Idol recap but I don't think anyone reading my blog really gives a shit about Idol.  lol  So I will spare you all the details.  I will say that my favorites impressed me and they better be safe!  Also, I don't know how much longer I can take "yo, yo, dude, dude, dawg, dude, yo, dawg, dude, yo"  Randy.. you need a new shtick.  Oh..and Steven, I love you.

Now to get to the point of this point.  

UGH.  WTF is with the people I choose.  First Top Chef... now Survivor.  I think from now on, I'm going to choose the biggest wuss and go with it.  Russell!?  He IS Survivor.  He is the reason I have watched the last 2 seasons.  And he's gone already!!??  Arrrrrrrgh.  I don't even care to watch the lames that remain on the show.  Such a disappointment.  I think I need to re-evaluate my love of reality TV.  I do nothing but bitch about it...


  1. Randy has always gotten on my nerves. He irks me. As far as Survivor, I haven't watched this season but I cannot believe you like Russell!!! I still love you though, even if you vote for the villain.

  2. I think that is why they created redemption he can come back. I didn't watch..did he lose the challenge last night?

  3. Lisa, I totally thought he'd come back. I can't believe he's gone!
