March 1, 2011

is it time to scream yet?

i'm feeling pretty blah again.  i need to start dancing.  i need to start taking more pictures.  i need to find the happy again.

good news - my bed came! (pictures to come soon..)  i love it.  i don't remember when my old bed broke, but it's been close to 10 years.  for about that long i've had a mattress set laying on the floor in my room in the basement.  pathetic.  what's worse?  i  chose to sleep on the couch over the years.  but not anymore!

however, now we have a problem.  tookie has been caged nightly, happily.  he would sleep right next to me in the living room.  for the last 6 years we've had a routine.  last friday was a nightmare.  he started barking about 2:30am, as i slept upstairs.  i tried to ignore.  i yelled.  he would quiet down for just long enough for me to fall back to sleep...then let out a random 2 barks and the whole f'ing routine would start over again.  by 6:30 i was so angry i went down and went to sleep on the couch.

this week, we're attempting to allow truck to sleep on the second floor with us.  please pray all goes well because momma needs her sleep; even if it's only 4 1/2 hours a night.  i would hate to have to flip out on took-book all night every night.  last night i yelled at his ass 3 times between 10-11 to just lay down as i hear him walking around upstairs.  maybe i'll slip him a benadryl every night.  okay..not really.. but damn - he's high strung!  by the time i went upstairs to sleep it took just one stern "lay down" for him to jump back on the Demon's bed for the night.  i didn't hear a peep out of him after.  hopefully, it won't take long for him to get used to this new routine.

i imagine his back is feeling much better.. he's back to his annoying self :)

.. oh yeah, it's March 1st.  after a 10lb weight loss in january... i lost nothing in february..i suck.

1 comment:

  1. 10 pounds is still an impressive start!

    Hope you are able to get some sleep!
