March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.  I have never been the type to shout out to the world my religious beliefs.  Probably because that most everything I've done or believe in happens to be the exact opposite of the Catholic church teachings and beliefs.  I had premarital sex.  I conceived a child out of wedlock.  I am pro-choice.  I am pro gay.  I could go on and on.. but I won't.

That said, I will always have the "Catholic guilt".  In my warped head I believe that if I make a Lenten promise/sacrifice I must stick to it.  If I don't?  I will surely be damned to hell.  (like eating meat on Friday is going to be the deal breaker for me)  Each Lent, for at least the past 10 years, I've completely given up meat for the duration of Lent.  A few years ago, I realized that giving up meat isn't all that hard for me to do.  Since then, I've added a second promise/sacrifice.  Last year, I promised to exercise every day, no excuses.  That failed as soon as I got sick and literally couldn't exercise.  So...can't do that this year.  A couple years ago I gave up eating after 7pm.  NOTHING.  But...then came a game night.  Do you know how hard it is to not eat when you're drunk and everyone else is stuffing their faces!?  Pretty hard.

This year I'm attempting to give giving up both meat and cheese.  (The Demon seems to think he is going to be able to do the same.) These sacrifices are meant to be hard.  I don't know anything harder for me than to give up than cheese.  Maybe by doing this, I will lose some weight?  Probably not, but it will force me to maintain some form of self control and focus.  It will force me to stick to an actual goal.  So today, I have to be sure to get my fill of all things cheese (and meat).  Because we all know, if I dare put one crumb of cheese into my mouth for the next 40 days...

I will burn eternally in the fiery pits of hell!

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