January 4, 2011

You're just like your mother.

Is that an insult?  Hmm.. yesterday the Demon told me that his father says that a lot to him.

For example,... they were at a grocery liquor store and as they were leaving the Demon pointed out how rude the cashier was as she talked on the phone during their check out.  He mentioned it to his dad, not the cashier.  Anyway, the response his dad gave him was "Damn it, you're just like your mother, always running your mouth about people trying to find the negative in everyone."

Really!!!??!!  LOL  ahhhh.  That information makes me laugh for many reasons.  As I laughed, I hinted that the next time his dad compares him to me... to politely say "Thank you!".

After laughing for a little bit long while, and also being told that his father thinks I'm both "shitty" and "bitchy" I stopped to think.... do I talk bad about his dad to him?  I have always tried not to, as hard as it is NOT to...  In fact, when we're together- at school events or doctor appointments- we're often mistaken for being married.  We get along that well in front of the Demon.  

So, I asked him... "Do you think I ever talk badly about your dad?  Be honest!" He replied "Nope, not at all." I'm happy he sees that I maintain a level of respect for that piece of shit  that man human.

After thinking about the phrase "You're just like your mother..."  I choose to believe that it's truly meant to be a compliment.  At least that is what I will take it to mean when people use it to compare the Demon to me.  ♥

Enjoy your Tuesday!

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