January 5, 2011

Day 2? I'm a fat failure!

No really.  I suck.  How can I not dance on day 2!?  

I have my excuses... I had to run around after work/school.  I didn't get home until 7:30pm.   At that point we had to gather the trash and the Demon had to shower.  By then it was after 8pm..and it was just too late to get all worked up.  I have too much trouble going to sleep that I can't risk getting my adrenaline pumping.

BUT, that's all crap.  Excuses!!!!  

Today  I dance... for an extra 30-60 mins to make up for effing up yesterday.

I am also working very hard on not eating after 7:00pm.  I am such a late night snacker that giving up late night munchies is SO hard... but I'm sincerely trying.

Before I end this post.. I want to introduce you to the Demon's new BFF.  LOL!  He ran up to this statue, Sunday, at the zoo and wanted his picture taken.  Of course, I jumped at the chance of taking a voluntary picture of him.  When he got up to her he shouted "She has no eyes!!!  Creeeeepy!!"  

Then...he stuck his fingers into the holes.  Now...that was creepy.

The Demon has a dentist appointment after school... cross your fingers for no cavities!

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