January 3, 2011

One happy thing.

Since I've obviously been going through some issues (funk, blah, depression), after talking with a great friend I have discovered my New Year's resolution.  Normally, I go with ole reliable...lose weight.  Well, (another obviously) that has never panned out.  She gave me a great goal to try and achieve....

Do one thing, each day, that makes me happy!

Just.  One.  Thing.  It can't be that hard, right? 

I have really been so happy, lately, when I turn on the Wii and dance.  Dance!  Maybe... I can train myself to - instead of napping - turn on the Wii and break it down.  Then, just maybe, I will actually lose weight in the process.

Dance + Losing weight = Happiness.

(at least that's what they say)

(Oh, and I do hope to blog a little more frequently than I have been these past few weeks.  I looked back and saw that I did have over 200 blog posts.  I was impressed!  I didn't start my blog at the beginning of last year... so let's see if I can get 365 blog posts in 2011.  (that may be a bit difficult since I still hope to take most weekends off.. but I can try!))

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