January 1, 2011


Happy New Year everyone!

I hope to start the new year better than I ended the last.  I have been reading some blogs today and quite a few of them have 2010 recaps.  Well, I don't want to even think about 2010.  Sure, many good things probably happened to me.  I won a few big giveaways on the local moms site that I frequent.  I received surprise gift cards from my boss and daily offers for free lunch. But I think, for the most part, the bad outweighed the good and I just want to move on and forget about all of that. 

I've ended the year in a funk.

I don't want to start this year in a funk.

I'm currently typing this blog on the Demon's laptop.  Last night, my power cord suddenly stopped working.  Uh, how does that even happen?  The computer beeped a couple times, as if the cord was being unplugged and plugged back in and that was it....dead.  So I'm stealing this one to let everyone know that - until mine is back up n running - I will have to be forced to blog picture free.  I won't bog down his computer with my pictures.  (I'm nice like that.)

I hope everyone enjoyed New Year's Eve!  Because of my funk, I didn't even care to watch any sort of countdown.  I spent the day at the hospital with the Demon as he received his third Remicade infusion.  Afterward, we rushed home, grabbed a quick dinner, and he was out the door by 6:00pm to celebrate with his dad.  I sat here, alone,  played around on Facebook and chatted a bit on the moms site.  Pretty lame.  Why didn't I go out?  I was invited to a few get togethers.  I guess I just didn't feel up to socializing.  As shitty as my night was, I was surprised with a phone call this morning letting me know that the Demon wanted to come home early!  On top of that, he told me he didn't want to go back to his dads tomorrow, he wanted to stay home with me!

I may have ended 2010 practically in tears, but 2011 is starting out with smiles.

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