January 6, 2011

Look ma...

...no cavities!  The Demon is safe from the drill for, at least, another 6 months.  :)

I had every intention of posting a wonderful picture filled blog for today.  However, blogger had other plans.  It was not working for me last night and I have no pictures on my computer here at work.  Instead, you will get me rambling.

I love music.  I listen to it all day long and most evenings while wasting time on the computer.  On the way to work today I was very rudely cut off.  As I laid on my horn and yelled obscenities and the jerkoff in front of me, I realized something.  I was listening to Eminem - Recovery.  It's amazing how music influences my mood.  I wanted to kill that dude in the car.  LOL  If this society was a "do what you want with no repercussions" society I am afraid I would have rammed his car and pulled him out by his ears and stomped his face.  That's how angry I was.  

My all time favorite band is System of a Down.  Another band that will put me in the most angry of moods.  I LOVE that feeling.  I guess I should look deep into myself and wonder why I want to be so angry?  I seek out songs and bands that give me that feeling.  

I don't exclusively listen to angry music.. I do throw in a lot of fun songs too.

Uh.. Adam Lambert!??!!   ♥

I'm not a total psycho.

Oh, speaking of songs.  I did Just Dance2 last night for about 2 hours.  I am hooked!  It's my mission to get the high score on every song.  But, I can't settle for just the high score.  I have to achieve a high enough score that it should be unbeatable.  If I don't score, what I feel is high enough, I dance that damn same dance until I get to the score I feel is safely untouchable.  I did 1 song, last night, (get this) 5 times before I was finally happy with my score.

I think  I may need a Just Dance2 intervention soon.


  1. Sometimes feeling angry is a nice changing from feeling blah so it can be a good thing every now and then!

  2. WOOHOO! My commenting works again!!!

  3. Adam Lambert? I've never heard his music, but I've seen him ridiculed on the Soup. You ARE insane! LOL

    What do you need for the Just Dance 2? I saw it had some decent songs on it and thought about buying it but don't want to buy extra stuff.

  4. You don't need anything other than your wii remotes! It's a ton of fun...very addictive :)
