January 24, 2011

Hungry... and weak.

For the past few weeks my goal of dancing every day/night has resulted in some weight loss.  Last Sunday, when I weighed in, I was down almost 8 lbs.  I was ecstatic!  I love dancing and it's working!!

I've also substituted some meals for a Slimfast shake.  They normally fill me up okay enough.  But, last week I slipped big time!  Pizza for dinner.  Wings for dinner.  I haven't stopped drinking my 1 can of Coke a day.  Chips and crap for snacks.  Why??  Why can't I have the same dicipline with eating that I've developed for exercise.

Why?? Probably because dancing is fun whereas dieting is the exact opposite.  I don't WANT to watch what I eat.  I don't WANT to count calories.  I don't WANT to have to study nutrition labels while grocery shopping.  Over the past week I managed to put back on 2 of those lost pounds.  NOT OKAY!

I don't WANT to be fat!!

I'm Catholic and during Lent I normally sacrifice two things.  One of them is always meat.  I give up meat for the entire 40 days.  The second is usually something random that I should be doing anyway.  Last year I gave up eating after 8pm.  Also during Lent, I am VERY diligent about following my own rules.  I don't know if it's the Catholic guilty, but I never cheat on my Lenten sacrifice.  Why should this be any different?

I am pledging right now to:  not eat after 8pm and to "Dance" at least 4 days a week.

I will check back in next Monday.. here's is hoping and praying to a weight LOSS at my next weigh in.

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