January 25, 2011

...a break in our regularly scheduled programming.

Today, I had planned on an update of the Demon's face.  I wrote the blog.. and decided to put it off until tomorrow.  Today.. I need more prayers.  I don't know what is going on but his symptoms are quickly returning.  He's weaned the Prednisone and has officially been off of them for 3 full days.  This morning, he was in the bathroom 3 times in less than an hour.


I have alarms set for him to remember, religiously, to take his medication.

We never miss any of his doctor appointments.

We've been early to all of his Remicade infusions...never missing.

We have done everything right.

WHY is this still happening to him?!  I am at a loss.

Last night, he looked at me and asked... "Can I just go in tomorrow and have my colon taken out?"  He hasn't been in school for a full week since Christmas break.  He's struggling at school, yet, he's begging for surgery.

So please, take just a few seconds of your time today and think good thoughts, pray..whatever your beliefs...for him.


  1. Definitely sending prayers your way!!

  2. Lots of Prayers for him and you!! I pray that his Doctors can find something to help him. He shouldn't have to worry about this..he is a kid. I think that is the most upsetting part of it, he is a child. Kids should never be sick.. :(
