December 8, 2010


I love the cold weather...really I do.  For the past few days it's been bitterly cold.  High temperatures are only hitting 27/28 degrees.  And, for the past few days, I've spent a lot of time outside!

Sunday, I owed my nephew a trip to Trader's World.  We planned to go last weekend but he came down with the "Thanksgiving Bug"!  After walking around the indoor flea market we braved the cold and hit the Monroe Outlet Mall.  It was the first time I had been there and I definitely was not prepared for the fact that the damn area is outdoors!!  Perhaps I should have visited their website before hand.  BRRRR.  It was windy and snowy and I had NO coat.  I was miserable.

Monday, with the temperature at about 17 degrees my sister in law, the Demon, the Beast and I joined a friend and her family and  visited the Cincinnati Zoo (for trip #2) for the Festival of Lights.  I don't know that I've ever been to the Zoo where 1- it was SO bitterly cold and 2- it was so empty!  Until we were getting ready to leave and we saw the Tram full of people, we had maybe seen 20 people total.  Have I mentioned how freaky cold it was?

Tuesday, my brother, the Beast, the Demon and I (again) hit the Festival of Lights (trip #3).  With him working third shift it's hard to plan things as a whole family so we had to split the visits into two.   Now, I thought Monday was cold.  Tuesday seemed worse!  This time I even wore two pairs of pants and it felt colder than the day before.  We saw less people than Monday!  I think the worst part of that trip was sitting on the concrete waiting for the Madcap Puppet Show to begin.  It was the longest 15 minute show I've ever seen.

We ended the night with a hot...VERY hot cup of hot chocolate.  I couldn't resist the souvenir cup.  The fact that my Grannie gave us spending money made the decision to buy it a little bit easier.

I think I'm going to spend the next 4-5 days drinking hot chocolate underneath covers.


  1. i seem to remember a zoo trip when we were in HS on THE coldest night of the year. and drinking hot chocolate that was so hot, we both blistered the roof of our mouths. but it was awesome anyway. Yay for festival of lights!!

  2. LOL!!! SOOO cold. I love all the memories :)
