November 15, 2010

It's About Time!

After waiting almost a month we have a starting date for the Remicade.  He goes Wednesday for the initial infusion which usually takes about 6 hours.  The following infusions come 2 weeks later, 6 weeks after that, then every 8 weeks.  He is excited!  Not necessarily so much about hanging out at the hospital for 6 hours.  Not so much about the school he's going to be missing.  BUT, he's very happy with the fact that after his 2 week infusion, he will start to taper the steroids.  He's been on them since August 3rd!  Way too long. 

Can you see the difference?  

Prednisone Puff Face.  

He's ready to be off of the steroid.

I'm not one to brag.. but I sure did one one great lookin' kid!

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