November 12, 2010

Gotta make some room...

He really growing up.  We have tons of children's books and movies.  

Dr. Seuss has always been my favorite.  The medium size books are mine from when I was young.  Honestly! Almost 30 years old.  The Green Eggs and Ham book (above) is the first book I ever read.  With Fox in brother and I would see who could read it the fastest.  Ahhh...memories.  That said, I cannot part with my Dr.  Seuss books. 

We also have quite a few Disney movies.  The few above is only a fraction of the collection - most of which we keep upstairs in my Momma's room.  Do people still have a VCR in their house?  We do.

I was talking it over with my Momma.  She is the one that purchased most, if not all, of the books and movies.  We agreed that we need to make room for movies that we actually watch and books that he wants to read.  We haven't watched a Disney movie in a long while.  I don't remember the last time the Demon picked up one of the  Disney books.  We also agreed that we wanted to donate or give these items to a family that we know will cherish them as much as we have over the years.  We wanted to keep the books together.  Just donating them to places like Goodwill who knows where they will go?  Or the condition that they will end up?!  Poor Bambi can't be separated from Cinderella!  I know, I'm obsessing.

Is that selfish?  LOL  To think about conditions that I want to meet to donate or give things away?  Maybe.  But that's what is going to happen.  I realize I'm totally controlling.  SO!

Anyway... I am sure I found the perfect family.  I know they will love these books and the memories they will create for their family.  I'm sad that giving these books and movies away is saying good-bye to that part of the Demon's life, although, I will always have the memories.  I'm very proud of the young man that the Demon is turning into.  I never thought my child would be so enthusiastic about reading!

We can't keep them young forever... no matter how much I want to do so.

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