November 16, 2010


I know I've mentioned how much I love game nights.  We had one Saturday.  It's really, my most favorite thing in the world.  My stomach hurt for most of the day Sunday because of all the laughing from the previous night.  We can never agree on which games to play.  This time we each chose two games, wrote them on pieces of paper, put them all into a hat and took turns picking.  Our line up ended up being...Scattergories, Trivial Pursuit Family, Uno Stacko, and Quelf.  I think everyone was happy that at least one of their choices was drawn!

Normally, I do not let the Demon drink pop.  But game nights are special.  There is plenty of junk food eating and soda drinking.  The boys think it's awesome to get Root Beer in the glass bottles.

There were times throughout the night where they would just be cracking up and I would have no idea what in the world was so funny.  But, it didn't matter.  

They say that laughter is the best medicine.  

After the week we had we really needed to laugh.

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