November 17, 2010

Please God.. help me with the Turkey.

Thanksgiving is next week.  NEXT week.  Wow.  Where the hell did the year go!?  A few years following my grandpa's death we chose to eat out for holidays.  For Easter and Thanksgiving we would let Cracker Barrel do the cooking for us.  When it got a little harder to get my mom out and about I thought I'd offer to help cook dinner.

I am no cook.  In fact, the only cooking I do normally comes from the freezer section of the grocery store.  There is no way in the world I could be held responsible for making an entire Thanksgiving dinner.  Especially, if that dinner included the normal staples of Thanksgiving - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pie.

The first Thanksgiving I brought up staying home and cooking it was with some conditions.  It went a little like this... while walking the aisles of Kroger....

Me:  Hey Grannie, how about we cook Thanksgiving dinner at home this year?
Grannie:  Really?
Me:  Yeah, I can cook the turkey, vegetables, mashed potatoes... if you can manage the sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and the stuffing.
Grannie:  Okay!

Had I known then.. how impossible it is for me to get a turkey cooked correctly, I think I would have braved the yucky stuffing, green bean crap and gross sweet potatoes!  Two years in a row, I managed to muck up the turkey.  I underestimated the cooking time and eating pink turkey scared my brother.  Thankfully, we're all still alive and no one ended up sick. :)

Last year I did some research.

I scoured Google.  I thought about doing the bird in the crock pot.  HOW could I mess that up!?  But, after reading up on that thought it wouldn't truly feel like Thanksgiving if the skin wasn't brown and crispy.  So, I scratched that idea.  Next, I went to ole reliable... the moms site I frequent.  I posted my question and was immediately told of Reynolds Oven Bags.


Still.. being the complete opposite of domestic - person - that I am... I did my research.  I YouTube'd so many videos.  I am a step by step type of person.  I need to know exactly how to get from Point A to Point B.  I need specific "How To's". 
My controlling, obsessive issues... come into play BIG time while cooking.  

Anywho... to make a long story not so long, I did use the oven bag.  My turkey turned out GREAT!  This year I plan to use the oven bag again.  I can't remember anything I did last year, so I shall be Googling and YouTubing a lot in the upcoming days.

I'm still a little nervous we'll be eating pink turkey again.

Okay, really nervous!

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