October 28, 2010

He's so funny.

Yesterday morning I finished my shower and as I was drying off I see some sort of paper on the stool in the bathroom.  Now, my eye sight is awful...so when I get closer to the piece of paper this is what I find.

LOL  Really??!!  I call him upstairs.  Totally pretending to be angry I say to him, "Really?!  Is this something appropriate I should be seeing as I'm starting my morning!??!"  Then I bust out laughing.  He's great.

I blogged yesterday about my brother baking the chocolate cake.  He also made a Pumpkin Cheesecake.  He sent some home with us.  After first looking at it I didn't know what to think.  I love cheesecake.  I love pumpkin pie.  I wasn't sure about the combination!  

I was very wrong!

It's delicious.


  1. wait, your brother bakes?? more than just stuff that comes as a mix? daaaamn, i'm impressed :)
    pumpkin cheesecake is going to be my thanksgiving baking project this year. easter was key lime cheesecake (amazing, totally worth the 2+ hours it took to make)

  2. LOL I have no idea what he did to make this cheesecake, Hildi, but it was goooood! My sister in law does from scratch cheesecakes for Christmas that are really good too. I am happy with my pre-cut sugar cookies. haha
