October 27, 2010


My brother made two chocolate cakes.  What a surprise!  He brought the cake and icings out for the Demon and I to decorate.  The other he made for my sister-in-law and the Beast.  I thought I'd let the Demon take control while I shoot some pictures.  Instead of making a traditional pumpkin design he decided to be a bit more creative. 

He came home from school yesterday feeling a little under the weather.  He's coughing and wheezing again.  I blame the damn Cincinnati weather.  One day it's 79 degrees - the next it's 55 degrees.  I hope that we've seen the last 70 degree day and we can be finished with the allergy/sinus crap!  Anyway, that's the reason for the TheraFlu Vapor Patch you see displayed, so discretely, on his shirt. ha!

Truck was very curious.  He knew something smelled good and he had to check it out.

So, why didn't the Demon do a traditional orange pumpkin with a chocolate face?

"That is boring.  This is way cooler."

I agree.

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