October 29, 2010

Unique or Lazy?

One of my biggest pet peeves is having to turn clothes right side out as I'm folding them after they've been through the laundry.  That was the main reason I started to make the Demon do his own.  Now, he doesn't turn them right side out, instead just folds them.  No big deal.

But... instead of turning them right side out to wear them... he wears them inside out.  I was watching TV.  He came downstairs and I turn to answer him and this is how he's dressed.....

I didn't notice the thumbs up until after I took the picture...

... not only are they inside out but also backwards!?  LOL  He doesn't even care. 

I asked him "Why??"

He answers... "Why not??!"

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!! What a boy. They could care less! LOVE the thumbs up!
