October 3, 2010

He loved it!

(before I start to let everyone know how the healing session went, I want to vent...  STUPID Ohio/Kentucky I-275 loop... how why is it that in order for me to get to the office building I have to leave Ohio, enter Kentucky, then back into Ohio?!  I got lost... just like I feared I would)

Can I just say, how amazing my Demon is!?  He is so open to everything.  He went there with a completely open mind.  We sat down and she did her best to explain the process and what she would be doing.  As we were sitting there she just kept looking at the Demon.  Like, really looking at him.  She then said "I can tell that _____ is very sensitive.  I don't know what you believe about past lives, but he was someone very important.  A healer.  He's a very special person."  She was right on the money when she described him as being sensitive.

The Demon cares for and about everyone and everything.  He will feel bad for the person being picked on, and if he is that person, he makes sure he lets everyone around him know that he doesn't like to be treated that way.  He takes others worry, and can internalize those feelings.  He is also an extreme worrier all on his own.  He needs to know what time the appointment is, what is going to happen, how long it's going to take, and when the next appointment is.  He needs to know... obsessively.

I can relate, and unfortunately... I think he gets that characteristic from me.  I worry.... a lot.

Anyway, the session lasted about an hour.  He is convinced that he felt a presence - an energy - touch him.. move through him.  He loves this sort of thing.  He loves everything spirit related and is very receptive to the whole process.  I really think he will benefit from continuing treatment.

Even if this session, this one hour of time,  he is completely stress free...it will be worth it.


  1. He went to a healer?? That is awesome! I have had family go to one. I hope he gets what he needs! I love what they said about his past life!

  2. Yes! He goes back at the end of the month. He was telling everyone about it during dinner tonight, too!
