October 2, 2010

It's October!!!


This is the time of year that is my absolute favorite.  I love the smells of fall.  The cooler temperatures.  The Haunted everything that is happening!!  We have started decorating the house.  The Demon loves doing the spider webs, inside and out.

We (my brother, Demon, Beast, and myself) all went out to eat the other day.  Afterward, I hit Big Lots.  I used to go there all the time when the Demon was young.   It's a very dangerous place for someone with my type of personality.  If I see something I want, I buy.  Not a good characteristic to have when everything seems to be a great deal.  I'm surprised I didn't leave there with a new couch. Because of this, I haven't been in a Big Lots in years, but I wanted to see what sort of Halloween decorations they may have.  They didn't have a lot, but I did find (probably my favorite of my decorations right now) a tealight candle holder in the shape of a spider.

Such a simple design.

How cute IS that!?
I have to win the lottery.  I want need more decorations!!

Not to change the subject.... but the Demon has his first Reiki session today.  He is actually very excited about this.  He's always been into spiritual things.  I am hoping, if nothing else, the session will help him to relax and destress.  I'm willing to try anything at this point.  I will fill everyone in on how he does with the session.  I plan on leaving him alone in the room with the healer.  I think he will get more out of it without mommy giggling watching.

Wish us him luck!

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