October 5, 2010

Just throw in a vegetable...

...and it's healthy?  Take a look at a couple of menu items the Demon's school offers.

(school helpers names are blacked out)

In the above, they throw in a salad with some fruit to compliment the main entree of cheese sticks.

Really?  Soft pretzels with cheese sauce for a main entree!?

Last month they actually had chili fries as the main dish along with cheese, fruit, and some milk & breadsticks with pizza sauce, cheese, green beans and milk.

For the first 3 years of school, the Demon attended public school.  I don't remember how their menus looked, but I do know that once he switched schools there was one notable difference with the children walking out to their cars after school.  I noticed how much heavier the students were.  Not all of them, but a considerable difference with public school vs private school kids.  (Disclaimer: yes, I know there are also heavy children at public schools.. this is only my experience with these two schools.)  

Why the difference?  Do the private school students have more money to spend on video games?  Are they more sedentary because they have the resources ($$) to have the better things in life like computers, video games, movies, hand held crap to keep their butts on the couch?  Do public school children just have more access to sports and after school activities?  Or does it really have to do with the difference in lunch menu??

Whatever the reason, the school lunch choices in this school is very disappointing.  I'm very lucky the demon enjoys packing his lunch.  He's to the point of questioning HOW soft pretzels with cheese sauce became a responsible food choice for lunch in the schools.


  1. I don't remember that being on my school lunch menu. There was always a meat of some kind. Pizza day was about as unhealthy as it got. I guess it is cheaper to be meatless and unhealthy?

  2. um, wow. big change in the menu since my mom's days ruling the cafeteria! A's school menu at our pub. school is very similar to yours; soft pretzel, cheese sticks, cinci chili, nacho haystack (WTF?) with pizza as a second entree offering every day (along with the usual pb&j, bagels, salads). the kids seem split about 50/50 in the weight department. A. packs most days too.

  3. lol Hildi!!!!! You're mom is who I think of every time I see the crap that they are being given! They have the cincy chili too...and various days of some kind of chicken. The first day that the Demon came out of 3rd grade there it was shocking to see the heavier students.. especially the little girls!

  4. It is so true! School lunches are horrible! Did you watch Jamie Oliver's show? It is SCARY what they give kids and the fact that so many of these foods are over processed. And people wonder why there is a rise of childhood obesity, diabetes, and even cancers!
