August 29, 2010

Rough Night.

All day Thursday I was feeling under the weather.  That night, it hit me hard.  On top of me being sick, the poor Demon was up 6 times between the hours of 10pm and 3am.  I was in tears...for him.  Of course, he sees none of my worry.  

I remain an oak around him.  Around everyone.

I didn't get to sleep, myself, until after 3am.  With the rough night we both had I had no problem calling him off of school Friday.  The reasoning? So he could catch up on his rest.  However, I was the only one catching up on some much needed Z's.  He watched TV all morning.  He ate his soup then did finally lay down for a couple of hours.

I put a call into the doctor for him, first thing...and after hours... they returned my call.  End result is, more samples to test, more blood work, and another prescription.  Three more pills in the morning and three in the evening.

Well.. there they are.  The pouches are his probiotic powder which he takes in the morning with some "milk".  The others include various vitamins, steroids, preventive and maintenance medication for his Ulcerative Colitis..and the new one is an antibiotic.  (there is one pill bottle missing from the picture)

AM = 15 pills + his probiotic
PM =  10 pills 
...........25 pills a day.


I did ask the nurse about having him tested for food allergies too.  It can't hurt to check, and I want need to know that I am not doing further damage with what I am feeding him.

I wish I could take this illness from him.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your frustration! No mom wants to see their baby in pain!
