August 28, 2010

More Organized?!

You must remember what the Demon said his goal was going to be this year - but in case you forgot it was to be more organized this year.

Last night I was making his lunch.  This is the first year I am attempting to remember making his lunch the night before school.  I go to put his food into his lunch box and, after looking everywhere, I cannot find it!?  He must have left it out in the car...along WITH his book bag.  Really!!??  At 11:00 PM I was not going to go outside and look.

The morning of his second day of school, I inform him that I was looking all over for his lunch box and couldn't find it and for him to head out to the car.  When I get down to the living room.... this is what I found.

ARG!!!  Obviously, he left his "Wed. Packet" out in the car.  Each Wednesday he brings home a packet of information and I have to sign the packet and he returns it to school Thursday.  Already, he's left his stuff out in the car and I am rushing to sign and check things at 7:00 AM.

Not off to the bestest of starts but how mad can I get when he ends his note with "I <3 U"?

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