August 30, 2010


I've gone through each blog entry I've done and taken out real names.  I'm seriously contemplating going public, so I thought that would be a good first step.  Well, a step to make me feel a little more comfortable.

I have found another picture editing program.  Program?  I guess that's what it's called. Picnik.  Of course, I'm sure it's old news.. but not for me!  I love, love, LOVE one of the editing features.  60's style.





I cropped them both and used the 60's edit.  I love the retro look to these pictures!  

I will abuse that feature, no doubt.  

These were taken during our last Zoo trip.  I was trying so hard to get these damn bees I almost had them landing on me.  I'm sure I only screamed 3 or 4 times?  The boys took off.

I need to stick with the butterfly shots.  Much safer.

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