August 27, 2010

I'm Proud...

of myself! Ok, so a lot of my posts are negative. So! This one is going to be a positive. No, I haven't lost any weight. pffffffffft! Instead, I have been focused on hitting this "Set aside 10 minutes a day to blog" goal. I've done so well!!

The best part? I don't feel put out doing so. I have enjoyed this month. I have enjoyed posting new pictures, new thoughts, new blogs.

But I don't know that it's enough. I know that a few of you are loyal readers and for that I am thankful. I also know that a few of you are super busy with your lives and I can't expect that this puny blog should ever be a priority for you to sit down and read. A friend of mine just made her blog public. I love the idea of more of my friends reading my blog. Maybe they would be more likely to read it if they didn't have to sign in to do so?

Then I start to think.. Why did I start this blog? For myself? For others to read?

Maybe other people with family members suffering through issues with MS or UC would benefit from reading? Maybe someone would like to see that they may not be alone in feeling frustrated or down.. and know that it's OK to feel that way?

I know that I have benefited from reading other photography sites. I know that my blog has benefited from viewing other blogs and getting some creative ideas to improve mine.

So what's stopping me? The creepers on internet. I see many blogs with pictures of the bloggers children and family. If they can do it, what makes me so special? Why would any creeper frequent my page over theirs? Some of the top blogs are mommy blogs. They contain tons of pictures of children.

I do wonder... if my blog was public, maybe the tension in my own family may be resolved. I say so much more on here than I do in real life. Perhaps going "public" will benefit me in more ways than just upping my reader numbers.

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