August 11, 2010

It's a hit!

Finally!!! After trying Soy, Chocolate Soy, Vanilla Almond, and Original Almond Milk we've hit a winner!!


I wish I had gone with my gut and tried that one FIRST! But, of course, the demon was whining and complaining about going with the Lactaid that I caved and tried the other types first. The Soy was gross, I'll give him that. The Vanilla Almond Milk was not bad at all. It reminded me of Ensure, the supplemental nutritional drink. The Original Almond was gross. Tastes TOO much like almond. I suppose, if you like Almond, it would be good.

That brings us to the Lactaid. He reluctantly took a sip this morning......

"Ohhhh now that is GOOD!"

Figures, right? I spend all that extra money on the Soy and Almond to get us right where I thought we should be. It's a good thing I love that boy so much!

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