August 10, 2010

I've lost count.

Really. I have. I do not remember the last time I spoke with my brother. I've seen him once during this time. He walked into the house and right up the stairs to give my mom her birthday gift. I left the house before he came back down.

His birthday has come and gone.

Her birthday has come and gone.

Next up? My nephews birthday. I already have planned how that is going to go. I will have the beast on the Friday before his birthday. We've talked about getting cupcakes and ice cream and having a mini birthday party. The reasoning behind it? Because we just don't know if his daddy is going to have to work and that would throw a kink in a normal celebration. A total lie. Even if my brother was working, we'd all still plan a get together. But.. the boys don't know the difference.

Sure, probably they wonder why we've done nothing as a family this summer. No family swim get togethers. No family game nights. No family trips to KI. No family trips to the Zoo. Nothing. It's convenient to blame it on my brother and his work schedule.

Although... nothing about what is going on is convenient. I have no idea how I'm going to close my pool by myself this year. I don't see a way possible for me to be able to physically remove my pool ladder. I may be able to use Grannie, The Beast, and The Demon for help in covering it. But without the ladder removed, covering the pool is not possible.


1 comment:

  1. That sucks! I'm sorry.

    On a side note, I bet I can get Trevor to help you close the pool.
