August 22, 2010

Hmm.. issues?

I have been playing around with my new camera. I'm having issues uploading pictures on the blog. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the new camera pictures take up more memory? The files are bigger?

I am a total idiot when it comes to anything computer related. I guess I will just have to play with it a bit. That strap that came with the camera is not going to work for me. The camera is too heavy for such a rinky dink strap. I'm gonna have to look for a cover for it before trekking anywhere with it for long periods of time. It's literally, a pain in my neck!

Check out this clear zoom...

He was clear across the room from me, watching TV. He didn't realize I was taking the picture - that's why the complete lack of expression.

School starts Wednesday.... I'm not looking forward to it.

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