June 4, 2010

Still Screwed!!



Is it bad that I always tell The Demon to look serious, and not smile? Each picture of him, looking like the above, always has a hint of a smirk because he's trying to fight laughing.

Friday is his last day of school!!! Time to celebrate. I'm still trying to figure out my summer work schedule. Normally, I take off Thursday & Friday to spend extra time with the boys...also to relieve my Grannie from watching both of them. Not only do I love the time with them, and the time off work - but I love that they still want to spend extra time with me. I'm sure, soon enough, they won't care if I take off or work. However, this summer, my sister in law is still unemployed. With my brother working overnight, there really isn't a need for my nephew to come down. However, I want him to spend time with the demon. They have a lot of fun all summer. Hopefully, it will all work itself out.

Pool Update: That damn screw isn't budging. I purchased a new screwdriver & some new lube stuff (lol@lube). The screw laughed in my face. Instead of any screw advancement, my hands reeked of the lube. I hate that smell!! I am hoping my brother has some ideas tomorrow.

It looks as if these blogs are getting later and later... guess I should hit the sheets!

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