May 21, 2010

It's Friiiiiiiiday!

And, it started off rushed. I woke up over an HOUR late. Geesh. It's a good thing I was off today. I was able to do everything The Demon normally does, for him, and get him to school on time! However, I was late in picking him up. LOL He looked at me like "WHERE the hell WERE you!??" Funny! But it never fails, it's the times that I am running late that life throws extra trains my way.

Tonight, no big plans - but then again - who am I kidding, I never have big plans. That's the way I like it! Probably I will watch movies.

I need a haircut. I am terrified of haircuts. It's weird. I'm completely overweight, I dress down as much as I can...but always care about having makeup on and my hair looking it's best. ha! I have a total fear of having a horrible haircut.... I guess one (or a couple) of bad cuts will do that to a person. I get 'it's only hair' or 'it grows out fast'.. boo! I spend weeks looking for the perfect cut only to be told 'your hair is too thick for this look'. Then she cuts it awful and I look like a person that I would normally make fun of, myself. But, I can only put it off for so long...

Anyone watch Happy Town ? I have been dvr'ing it every week. So far, I've only watched the first episode, but it was great!! I think I'll catch up on the rest this weekend.


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