May 19, 2010


What is with me!? I started this blog and was diligent with posting everyday. Now? I am lucky to get one every other day. It's too soon in my blogging life to be this lazy with posting.

I have a headache so this blog may or may not make sense.

The Demon had the joy of watching the "Always Changing" video today in school! Now.. my son is the type that comes home and exclaims "We're learning about anus in school!" and laughs his head off. In other words, the typical 5th grade boy reaction. We were at the Endocrinologist (during his last visit) and the nurse asks him about his pants! He proceeds to ask "Huh?" and she says..."anything getting bigger?" LOL He responds "EW, No!" LOL I laugh just thinking about those appointments - mostly because I am just as (if not more) immature as he is.

I grabbed the little pamphlet that he was given and, unfortunately, turned directly to the diagram page. EW! is right. Then I turn the page and read "Wet Dreams" another EW!! Of course, I laughed as he is laughing at my "ew's!!" The joys of being a mom. I don't even want to THINK about all of that. I already gross myself thinking about why he may have his door closed..and spending time alone. Even though, he (at least for now) appears to just be reading or drawing. AHH! I have to stop typing about this now, I've officially gagged.

Tonight is the finale for Modern Family. While I am sad there won't be new shows for does mean that Wipe Out is starting soon!!! Wipe Out is just another reminder that summer is coming, although - with the weather we've been having you can't tell! I love this weather. :)

Just think - Only 164 days until Halloween! ♥


  1. OMG! we totally just got the whole your child will be learning about changes in their body in health class letter today. i soooo don't want to think about the boy's future closed door activities! but i find it hysterical that the letter was to let the prudes opt out of having their child learn about puberty. give me a break!!

  2. OMG that is hilarious! I dread the day our doctor starts talking about that stuff with Brandon!
