April 10, 2010

Kickin' Him Out!

If you know anything about me, you know of my love of Horror movies. We have a small entertainment center. On the two shelves, I was always nice and let The Demon have his own shelf. One housed my Horror movies and one occupied with whatever he wanted at the time. (Of course, I always have the control issues, so it was mostly my choice, lol) By the looks of things - My movies were taking over. I had to kick him out.

Much better! He won't care, but I do have a slight problem. Even with these two shelves I'm running out of room. Soon enough... I will have to take over a shelf in the big bookcase and I will let The Demon return to the little shelves next to the TV. (maybe!)

Well, I'm off. Instead of catching up on Nip/Tuck I have decided to watch some movies I DVR'd. Wrong Turn & Wrong Turn 2.

♥ Jeremy Sisto

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