April 11, 2010

I need a man.

I love being single. However, there are three instances that I would appreciate having a man.

1- During the Spring/Summer. I absolutely HATE doing any type of yard work. I dislike cutting grass, running the weed whacker, pulling weeds, working on the pool, planting flowers. I would love for a guy to come, do my yard work then go home.

2- Taking the garbage out. I would appreciate a man to come on Tuesday evenings, and gather my trash and take it to the curb...then go home.

3- My house seems to be falling apart. I would love to have a dude that would paint my house, fix the plumbing, clean my basement...basically anything that I ask. But then, go home.

It will be great when The Demon is old enough tall enough to cut the grass. That will be one chore crossed off my list! Now I must return to the heating pad. lol


  1. Sounds like you just need a handyman! You can get one of those without having to worry about all the relationship stuff. :)

  2. lol Yeah, but I'd have to pay him!
