September 10, 2014

Another month? Srsly?

How annoying is it when a person types/texts abbreviations like srsly?  Is it really annoying? ha...I do it all the time.  Anywho, I hope the above photo of Belli Boo (Bella) will erase any annoyance I may have already caused. 

If adorable pugs aren't your *thing* maybe the above tombstone will make you smile!  Normally, I don't post graveyard images with a busy background.  I like the focus of my photo to stand alone with only minimal nature in the back.  However, I could not pass up posting this one.  It caught my eye as I wandered - what a moving expression is presented.  Just beautiful!

Okay, so.. yeah, it's been another month since I posted here.  Where does the time go? I need to catch everyone up, in this little blog world of mine, how super exciting the past month has been for me!!

Not really, but it's fun to portray that image - right?

All lameness aside, it's not been too bad around here.   One morning, last week, we had loads of fog roll through Cincinnati.  As the Demon and I set out for school I noticed a bunch of amazing spider webs in the neighbors bushes.  Ahhh!!!  Fall is just around the corner.  I have to keep repeating that fact because, currently, the weather is still TOO warm for my liking.  I know that picture isn't the best quality, but I'm super impressed considering it was taken with my phone!

I've been a walking maniac lately.  And by maniac I mean like 5 miles a day.  I am sure to most people 5 miles is no big deal.  To me?  It's huge.  I've spent many months not wanting to do anything.  Not wanting to get out of bed.  Not wanting to get off the couch.  This burst of energy and motivation is a good thing.  I also attribute my sudden motivation on the fact that I am one of the most competitive people you will know.  Most of you know my love for the video dance game - Just Dance.  I am a beast!!!  I must beat everyone I play.  And, not just beat's my mission to  crush  them.  That leads me to walking... My brother and I each bought a Samsung Galaxy Gear Neo 2, smart watch.  It's now my mission in life to walk more steps in a day than he does.  It's super hard for me, considering I am sitting for 7 hours a day at work while he works on his feet.  I have to cram in as much walking as my fat little body can handle in the moments I have after work.  It's taken me a few days, loads of sweat, and a few blisters..but I think I've found my groove.  I'm pretty proud of myself!  It's also very therapeutic for me to throw my ear buds in and just go..

moment of truth - i do laps in my living room if i have to, in order to annihilate his amount.  let's keep that secret here..

As I take the Demon to school we drive passed these towers.  Every.single.morning I say "Oh, that would have been a beautiful photo.  This day...I captured it!

Something is so picturesque about the metal giants sitting against the beautiful sunrise sky.  It's just amazing.

So, that's about it.  My days consist of waking up entirely too early, driving the Demon to school, working, picking him up, and walking.  Thrown in there are moments of family laughter, homework arguments, and a couple nights filled with dancing.  All in all - not such a bad situation.  

I'll end today's recap with a huge thank you to everyone that still reads this little area of the internets.  A huge thank you for any new readers out there.  I've been told that a few of my Instagram friends have been reading - what a huge honor!  I really appreciate you all for your support over the last few years.  It's meant more than you realize.

I hope to check in soon!  I mean, it's my most favorite time of the year!!  I have to bombard you all with my Autumn obsessions.