October 18, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

I wonder how people remember whether or not they've doubled a post on their TiLT?  I mean, I have only been at this a few weeks but I sometimes have to glance back and double check.  What will happen when I have more than just a few weeks to look back on!?  I guess I'll just have to put a disclaimer on these posts...something like - "If you've seen this before just act surprised.  I have a bad memory!"

via:  ModCloth

I love this purse!  I mentioned in a previous post about recently purchasing an orange purse.  After receiving it I was highly disappointed, therefore, I sent it back.  I'm still on the hunt for the perfect Autumn purse and I'm really wanting this one.  I have to demonstrate self control - not something I do well.

via:  loosepetals

This print is great.  I need more wall space!  If you like this and not from the Cincinnati area, you should check out her shop - she has so many different options from which to choose.

via:  ModCloth

I'm starting to wonder if it would be tacky to place doormats indoors.  For example, what about putting this beauty in front of my bedroom door!? ha!  Wait, don't tell me either way.  I don't want to know if it's an awful idea just in case I decide to go ahead with this plan.

via:  Fork Party

Strange!  Can you imagine slowly thumbing through family pictures and turning picture after picture over and flipping to this!??!?!?!??!  WHAT is going on here?  Is this real?  Staged?  Quick, anyone reading this - find out what you can and report back to me.  Pronto!  I have to know.

via:  KitNCaboodleBoutique

I have a couple candles like this, only they are Christmas designs.  In my head, I could swear that I've seen one similar to this around here.  Maybe over the years I've seen these some place and seeing this has brought back memories.  I'd love to stumble on to one of these owl types locally to add with my others. 

I hope everyone has been having a great week...mine has been moving much too slow.

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