October 21, 2012

my week on instagram

♦  My week started off with a fresh coat of lovely brown polish.
♦  Years ago, like 15 or so years... I asked my momma for this ring for Christmas.  I decided to pull it out and wear it for awhile.
♦  Our pumpkin haul - on display.
♦  I love how a rainy picture looks when taken through glass.
♦  One of the prompts for the #fmsphotoaday challenge was "made you smile".  This Halloween display always puts a smile on my face.
♦  Arrested Development, anyone?
♦  The leaves finally started to change around my neighborhood.
♦  I was wearing this little hair clip and I was trying so hard to get it in the picture frame.  Fail.
♦  I ended my week wearing orange.

Today we (the Demon, his dad and I) are heading to a high school open house.  He's excited to get a chance to walk around the school he's hoping to attend next year.  I, however, am sad.  Sad that he's getting older.  Sad that my Momma isn't here to see him growing up.  Sad that I'm going to be walking this high school adventure without her advice and shoulder to lean on...

I've been feeling pretty down lately.  Maybe it's because my birthday is coming up and she's not here.  Every year I'm so excited about my birthday.  I love to annoy everyone around me with daily reminders and jokes about it approaching.  It's just not the same this year.

and, it's not fair...

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