September 2, 2012

my week on instagram

my week included:

♦ trying to figure out how to get fingernail polish to last more than a day
♦ waiting in a chilly hospital while the beast had knee surgery and visiting him at home as he worked that knee
♦ a very cute air freshener.
♦ i got an amazing new quilt for my bed
♦ another trip to the attic which led to this
♦ another broken nail (see: above &@#$)
♦ getting through the day in sunglasses because of allergies
♦ work

i completed the photoaday for august with only a couple missing days.  i was stumped on a couple of the prompts.  today is day 2 for the month of september and the prompt for today is "father"...and i'm stumped again.  i think i'll pick back up on the challenge on the 3rd! 


  1. I can't get into the photo a day thing. It would be fun. I guess I have commitment issues. HAHAHAHA! You are doing great with it!

    1. it's so fun! i love when i am out with the boy(s) and it hits me that i have not taken the picture for the day. they help me to figure out what to take. :)
