June 5, 2012

top ten v.16

'ello!  okay, so i just channeled my favorite worm in my favorite movie.. but i'm trying to be a little more positive these days, and it's that movie that will always brighten my day.  what better way to try to be a bit more happy than to create a top 10 things i currently love...

here we go!

01.  although i hear that the weather is suppose to heat up by the weekend, i am loving these cooler temps.
02.  it may not seem like much, but an extra half hour of sleep is wonderful.
03.  the demon had his scope last friday and everything looks healthy.
04.  we've finally settled the problems with a certain life insurance company.
05.  i darkened my hair and couldn't be happier with the results.
06.  game night... this friday!  i promise to take loads of  pictures.
07.  the demon has greatly improved his grass cutting technique and can be trusted to finish, alone!
08.  quite a few of my favorite shows are returning for new seasons this summer.  yaaay.
09.  my new tattoo (minus the crazy itching)
10.  everything about this...

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