May 29, 2012


whew.  this weekend was no joke, stupid, crazy, walk outside start to drip sweat, hot.  the plan for the weekend was to get the pool cover taken off, pull weeds from all around the back yard and begin to get the pool swim ready.  however, the thought of doing anything that required the slightest effort was met with disgust.  and, if i couldn't stand to be outside to do much of anything, i couldn't expect the demon to spend his weekend pulling weeds.  instead, we got the cover ready to be taken off - it was loaded with water - and sprayed a lot of poison on the weeds.

we also went to the movies!  the beast, demon and i saw dark shadows.  it was good!  afterwards we made our first trip to the sno shack.

i didn't sneak a picture of the beast, i'm not even sure why not.  they kept arguing with me that the little green "thing" in the picture was a turtle.  hmm.. what do you think?  i won't tell you where i stand.. but do you think that "thing" is a turtle? 

i'm not blogging as much as i want to be.  hoping that changes soon.  this thursday i am getting a new tattoo!  i'm both excited and, to be honest, terrified of the pain.  normally i'm not a big wuss when it comes to the pain of a fresh tattoo.  however, the last one i got left me really hurting - beyond just my arm.  hopefully, it was just a random, rare event and this one will be normal.  as normal as a tattoo can be.

friday the demon goes to the doctor for another scope.. a scope of just the pouch.  let's hope that nothing concerning shows up and we go about our daily business!  and, since friday was originally the last day of school, his last day will be thursday!  i'm excited about the summer.  <  that's something you won't hear from me very often.

until next time...

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