May 18, 2012

she was very smart..

my Momma always knew exactly the right thing to say to a person to make them feel better.

before she passed away she organized an envelope.  this envelope contained information on life insurance policies, bank accounts, annuities...just everything my brother and i needed in the event she passed away.  also included in this envelope were various bookmarks.  she loved reading.  a couple of bookmarks were pictures of the demon.  the last one i saw contained a prayer..

safely home

i am home in Heaven, dear ones;
oh, so happy and so bright!
there is perfect joy and beauty
in this everlasting light.

all the pain and grief is over, 
every restless tossing passed;
i am now at peace forever, 
safely home in Heaven at last.

did you wonder i so calmly
trod the valley of the shade?
oh! but Jesus' love illumined
every dark and fearful glade.

and He came Himself to meet me
in that way so hard to tread;
and with Jesus' arm to lean on
could i have one doubt or dread?

then you must not grieve so sorely, 
for i love you dearly still:
try to look beyond earth's shadows,
pray to trust our Father's Will.

there is work still waiting for you, 
so you must not idly stand;
do it now, while life remaineth -
you shall rest in Jesus' land.

when that work is all completed,
He will gently call you Home;
oh, the rapture of that meeting, 
oh, the joy to see you come!

i know she did that on purpose.  i know she wanted us to read it after she passed.  to be honest, i'm glad a little time has passed.  i am thankful that i found it while i was alone.

i am grateful for her thinking so far ahead to be able to offer us comfort...even after she's gone.

i'm still waiting for that "sign" that she's here.  i've been told it happens.  who knows for sure.

it's been  17 days...and it still doesn't seem real.  i feel like i'm going to wake up and this all have been a nightmare.

at least i hope that's what happens.


  1. What a beautiful prayer. Hugs to you <3

  2. The timing of saying the right thing at the right time is a gift. I think she passed it on to you. Cheers!
