February 12, 2012

A little Random for Sunday.

Unlike the last two weekends, I have not accomplished much of anything this weekend.  As I sit here watching Halloween H2O:  20 Years Later (and waiting to hear the dryer "DING" so I can switch laundry) for the hundredth time, I notice they zip up Michael in the body bag, and I start to wonder why in the world don't they ever unmask him before putting him in the body bag?  I'm sure this has happened in other Halloween movies.  Right now I'm drawing a blank, but I know it happened at the end of Halloween:  Resurrection too.  Busta Ryhmes character stops the girl from looking at his charred face.  Doesn't anyone CARE what the hell this dude looks like?  Maybe if they had unmasked him as they were putting him into the body bag in Halloween H2O they would have realized that he pulled a switcharoo and he replaced his body with the body of the paramedic?  Maybe if they had unmasked him, Laurie wouldn't have hacked off the wrong dudes head landing her in a mental hospital only to be killed, years later, by Michael!!!!  Okay.. maybe I'm over analyzing this movie.  I know during most every Horror movie you question, WTF? or Why?!?  But, this is a recurring issue with this franchise - my most favorite of all Horror movie franchises (minus Halloween III, of course).  So I have to know.. why?

Another random - last week I really struggled with this whole diet thing.  I wanted chocolate and I ate chocolate.  I tried to always limit it to one small piece.. but it didn't always work out that way.  By the end of the week I knew I was going to step on the scale and see a significant gain.  But, that wasn't the case -  I had a 1.6lb weight loss.  Hmm.. I'm not sure how that happened but I'm happy about the result.  Maybe it's the fact that I've found the right sleepy time solution and I'm snacking less late at night and getting more sleep?

Final random - is it normal for parents to give their children Valentine's Day gifts?  Growing up my mom never gave gifts to my brother and I for this "holiday".  We always enjoyed the gifts and cards from classmates but it was never a time that we expected anything from my mom.  I have always thought of V-day as a day for couples.  Somehow (and this somehow comes in the form of the step-mom) this day has turned into a day that the Demon receives a gift.  Don't get me wrong, I love getting him all sorts of things, and up until this year it has been easy.  A small stuffed animal with a little chocolate has been my go to.  But he's 13! It just seems weird.  You also have to know that I don't reserve gifts for just holidays and his birthday.  When a movie is released.. if he wants it we get it.  As he's grown up, Easter has been a holiday when he has received bikes, scooters, outside fun stuff, and the occasional video game (because, he's never been a candy kid).  But, Valenetine's day too?    And what sort of gift is acceptable to give your child for this holiday?  I feel a little creepy shopping for my son for Valentine's day.  However, he's expressed great excitement in the gift he has for me so off I go.. to figure out the perfect Valentine's day gift to give my kiddo.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend... it goes much too fast.


  1. my mommy still gives me a v-day gift. it's usually just a card and a random v-day related, inexpensive do-dad. i am her <3 after all. along with 3 sibs and a even dozen grands/greats. (now you see why it's an inexpensive gift lol)
