December 6, 2011

Top Ten V.9

I have been thinking and thinking about a topic for this Top Ten and after much thought... nothing.  SO, you get no cohesive topic just a bunch of random thoughts. But, when I think about it, that was the original thought process of starting the whole Top Ten crap in the first place!  

Here goes..

01.  Rain.  Really?  I don't think I need to say anything else about the rain.  Hopefully, we dry out a bit over the next couple days.  Although, I wouldn't mind some snow!

02.  I think I should probably start Christmas shopping.  At the very least, I think I should get some sort of idea of what the Beast and Demon want for Christmas.

03.  I love watching ABC Family 25 Days of Christmas specials.  That said, WHY did they have Harry Potter marathons over the weekend?  I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies, are they Christmas movies?  If a character says "Merry Christmas Harry" does that constitute a Christmas special?  Does each movie take place at Christmas time?  Cripes..

04.  It's already December 6th, and I have yet to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  Apparently, I'm slacking in more areas of my life than just this blog!

05.  Tonight is the infamous Christmas program.  Wish me luck... or send me booze.  Which ever.

06.  My laptop is dead.  Dead!  The new power cord came and within 2 minutes of being plugged in it had melted.  Thankfully, I was able to hurry and save stuff onto a flash drive, but WTF am I going to do?  I can't afford a new laptop..

07.  Festival of Lights.  Ahhhh!!  I wish it would stop raining long enough to enjoy a freaky cold visit.

08.  I need an oil change.  It's been a year!!  I suppose that is a pretty bad thing for my Jeep?  Yesterday, as I was driving to work, I heard a "ding".  Normally the "ding" lets me know that I need gas (happens a lot).  I checked my gauge and it's not that?  I notice "lowash" flashing.  Weird?!  I guess I need window washer fluid?  LOL  I better take my baby in for a service check, yes?

09.  At work yesterday, I had an encounter with a "close talker".  You know the kind, like in Seinfeld?  If you haven't seen it....

I hate it!  He would walk toward the door then start talking and ease his way back into my face.  Yuck!

10. My dog STINKS.  I think the rain has enhanced his normal funk times 13.  Yes, 13.. it's more than the average times 10!  I made a rare appointment for grooming.  He's only been professionally groomed, maybe, twice.  He's a dirty poop eater and I refuse to spend money to pretty him up when he's be outside for less and 10 minutes and be pooping it up again.  However, it's too funky right now.  Therefore I am asking a favor.. rain gods.. no more rain AFTER December 15th until Christmas.  K?  Thanks!

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