December 15, 2010

Why does it have to be so long each year?

Let me first begin by saying.. that I would reluctantly sit on a rock for 3 hours if I had to - to watch the Demon proudly do something as crazy as... let's say...practice a yo-yo.  (because I'm that awesome of a mommy) After that said... WHY oh WHY does his Christmas show have to be 1 1/2 hours long of mind numbing singing ... Christmas songs that, for the most part, I've never heard of... all while sitting on a hard wooden church pew?!  Does his music teacher really think that is a good idea?  Is it a requirement that each year, each class, has to sing 2 songs?  Can't they combine some classes?  Why can't they do a whole school performance where most of students make up the chorus while a select few are chosen for parts for an actual PLAY?!  

I really hate to complain.  (well, not really)  He is so proud, each year, of the show.  I do appreciate all of the work that goes into the show.  A few of the students play instruments.  This year the 6th-8th grade students performed a skit.  My baby was one of 2 chosen of the 6th grade class to have an actual part!  To say he was excited would be an understatement.  He had 1 line  "Howdy, I'm little Luke."

He said it perfectly.  :)  

Even though I bitch and moan..and my freakin' hip is KILLING me.... I will be there with bells on  next year to support my baby.  Who knows?  Maybe next year he'll even have a solo!  

And maybe I'll decide to bring a donut pillow to help my aching butt.

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