October 4, 2011

Top Ten V.5

I have a cold.  Although, it's hard for me to distinguish between a cold, sinus problems and allergies.  Let's just say I'm sick...that will cover everything.  I have taken my medicine and popped some vitamin C pills and have my fingers crossed I start to feel better soon.  I just want to crawl back to bed and hide under my covers.

This past Saturday we all went to Kings Island - our last trip of the year.  It was cold.  I loved every minute of it!  For the first time in years I did not bring my camera.  Not only did I not bring my camera, I forgot my phone in the Jeep while we were walking in.  I felt naked without it!   In honor of the wonderful day we had (the temp didn't break 55 degrees) this week I am going to dedicate the Top Ten to 10 things I love about Autumn.

01.  The weather!  Any weather that allows me to wear jeans and a hoodie is what I consider perfect.  

02.  The changing leaves.  I love driving down the road and seeing it lined with trees that have bright yellow and red leaves.  (I dislike raking!)  Too bad I don't normally carry a camera because I pass some very pretty trees every day.  But, every day I look at them and think the same thing "oops, I should have brought my camera."

03.  Caramel Apples.  Kings Island has great caramel apples.  They are so big and juicy and are covered in think layers of yummy, sticky, caramel.  I usually never leave without getting at least one.  But, this year I decided no.  It was SO windy that it would have made my hair a caramel mess and I didn't want to bother taking it home.  Maybe the Demon and I can make our own next weekend.

04.  My birthday!  There comes a point in every persons life when they can't remember how old they are.  When does that happen?  I realized this year I couldn't remember.  In the past, if I could remember my brother's age then I could figure out mine.  I turn 34 this year (I just had to do the math on a calculator).  LOL I completely thought I was turning 35!  34 isn't as bad as 35.

05.  The Demon's birthday!  I cannot believe that I will be the mother of a teenager.  It's bad enough I'm creeping up on 35, now I'm old enough to have a teenager.  He's turning the big 1-3!  He's had a rough year and I pray that things only go up from here for him.

06.  Pumpkin patches.  Last year was the first year we went to a real pumpkin patch.  Can you believe that!?  The boys were 12 and it's the first time (since they were very little) they ever got to pick their own punkin's.  They had a blast and we plan to go back in a couple weeks.  

07.  Thanksgiving.  This is going to be the first major holiday since my Momma has moved next door.  For the past several years we've all gathered at my house for dinner.  My Grannie would make a couple side items and they would be carried over.  The turkey was left up to me.  Not this year.  After another turkey bomb last year.. I'm leaving the bird to my brother.  If he doesn't do it, I guess we have no turkey!

08.  Autumn scents. Mmmmm!  I love pumpkin, apple, spiced everything.  I need to restock my candles, oils, and tarts and space everything out in my house for maximum coverage.  Unfortunately, it still has the smell of whatever type of cleaner they used in the basement.  I guess it's better than the previous POOP smell, but it's still not pleasant.

09.  Horror movies!!  Now, I don't have to wait for the fall to watch Horror movies (and I don't) but, for some reason, watching them this time of year makes them even more enjoyable.  To cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and watch a little slice n dice flick.. ahhhh my idea of heaven.

10.  Halloween!  I love watching the kids trick or treating.  I love shopping for costumes.  I love that the Demon continues to wear his costume even after the 31st.  I love old Halloween music.  I love carving pumpkins.  I love saving the pumpkin seeds and toasting them in the oven.   I love everything there is to love about Halloween.  It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

Love. Love. Love Autumn!

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