September 23, 2011

Nothing ever goes as planned...

Even the best laid plans (trying to post every day) seem to get screwed up when you toss in an unexpected ER visit turned into 2 nights in the hospital.  Grrr!  

Tuesday morning the Demon woke up and everything was fine.  After coming home from next door (every morning he goes next door to help my Momma before school) he went to the bathroom.  Everything was pointing to another normal morning.  He walked down stairs and mentioned his stomach hurting.  Because he had missed 3 days of school last week there was not a chance in the world he was going to be staying home.  I reminded him of how hard school was when he was first going through the UC diagnosis and he managed to survive.  So, reluctantly, he agreed.

Now, knowing my son, I knew I'd eventually get a phone call to come get him.  Normally, it always comes when I sit down at work with my lunch.  I waited until 1pm to grab my cottage cheese...and I finished eating.  Sure enough, about 1:30pm I get him.  Instead of being the compassionate mommy, I questioned him wanting to leave so late in the day.  Instead of feeling bad that HE was feeling so bad.. I was angry.  

"Seiously?  It's already 1:30?  You couldn't have waited an extra 2 hours??  What do you plan to do when we get home??  Fine.. I'll come get you."

The ride from school to the house was pretty quiet.  I guess, I was more frustrated than angry.  We were not in the door for more than 5 minutes before he ran to the bathroom and threw up.  It was then, that I realized something was not right.  He had not gone to the bathroom at all since early this morning.  Something was wrong.  Not pooping + vomiting = blockage.  At this point I had 2 calls into the surgeon's office.  But I was not going to sit around for them to tell me what I already knew I should be doing.  We left for the ER.

After some blood work, an xray and a CT scan (12 hours later..)  we were given a room and told that there was a small blockage in his lower small intestine.  Nothing that would require immediate surgery, but also nothing that can be ignored.  The plan was to do a scope in the morning to "dislodge" the blockage.  Once we finally did get a room I still had to run home and take care of some things.  By the time I got back to the hospital the Demon had gone to the bathroom (with no intervention) and started to feel better!  

The next morning he's taken down for a new xray and the scope was canceled.  He was kept one more night for observation and we were sent home.

The verdict:  He has a ton of scar tissue.  This scar tissue is now making it very easy for blockages to form.  This problem could happen again tomorrow, 2 months from now, 2 years.. maybe it may never happen again.  If this situation occurs much more the only option the Demon has for treatment would be surgery to remove (or clean up) the scar tissue.  Hopefully, it will not come to that point.  Because, to be honest, we're both sick to death of the hospital.


  1. I was actually thinking today that I havent seen you on the mlm site lately - and thought to myself I wonder if something had happened. So I thought Id check in here. Sorry to hear he had another set back - but Im glad it kind of fixed itself. I hope things go better from here on out!
