September 6, 2011

Top Ten V.1

it sucks when i really want to blog everyday, yet, i have nothing really to blog about.  i guess i could randomly come and ramble on and on about stuff that no one really cares about- and i guess that's one of the purposes of this blog for me - to just ramble.  but, i haven't even had much to ramble on about.  

after i made a list ( i think it was last sunday? i'm too lazy right now to look back ) i thought, what the hell?  let's do this list thing once a week and call it a top ten.  at least it would give me something to talk about?

so, here goes:

01.  the temps have dropped.  one day it's 100°.. 2 days later we're not even hitting 70°.  it's great!

02.  i'm so excited about autumn and Halloween i'm slowly bringing out my decorations and switching over to autumn candle scents.

03.  i've never known anyone that dislikes clothes shopping as much as the demon.  i mean, i would understand it if he had a hard time fitting clothes.  i know what that's like & it's the reason i hate shopping.  but, he detests everything about shopping for himself for anything.  i, honestly, do not get it?  i'd love to fit into the clothes i want and have someone buy them for me!

04.  we covered the pool!  i wanted to take pictures throughout the process but it rained off and on all day sunday.  and when i say "rain" i mean poured.  we had a few breaks here and there but i can safely say i was soaked - through and through - by the time we were finished.

05.  the boys took advantage of the rainy day and for the first time in a very long time enjoyed themselves as they ran around tossing the football and stomping through the puddles in the street.  again, i wish i had taken pictures but i was soaked and it was still pouring...

06.  i'm slowly but surely gaining back every pound that i lost.  i suck.  if i don't get control of the situation i'm going to be back into my lard ass jeans.. and i can't have that.

07.  i desperately need a haircut.

08.  i'm disappointed we never made it to the sno shack this year!?  the couple times we made the drive the damn thing was closed.  hopefully, we'll have better luck next summer.

09.  i purchased a smaller crockpot and am excited to try it! 

10.  i need to get a letter together and officially retire my dental hygiene license.  not too excited to do that.

there you have it!  10 totally random things that i have on my mind.  boring? haaaaaha. probably i should have taken each one of the ideas and created a separate blog.  

maybe next time!

1 comment:

  1. I love random comments!

    I hate clothing shopping too, but for the same reason as you.
